1 Mary Street
Gawler East, SA 5118
Tax Invoice Number | INV-5554 |
Tax Invoice Date | November 27, 2023 |
Total Due Inc GST | $0.00 |
1056 South Road
Edwardstown SA 5039
Hrs/Qty | Service | ExGST | Adjust | ExGST Sub Total |
1 | 2 x Philips UHP100/120W 1.0 E23 for PRTV Original Bulb Freight DHL Express 37USD for the two.. Lamps are 63USD each which equals 163USD total plus need to pay supplier via Paypal @ 5% = 171USD -- current rate is 260AUD |
$236.36 | 0% | $236.36 |
1 | paypal surcharge 2.6% | $6.15 | 0.00% | $6.15 |
ExGST Sub Total | $242.51 |
GST | $24.25 |
Paid | -$266.76 |
Total Due Inc GST | $0.00 |
Account Name: Kickstart Computers
Bank: Westpac Branch: Hindmarsh SA
BSB: 035033
Acct# 191173