Your business deserves the best, and we can help you achieve that with the full Soniq range. But before we talk pricing, let’s ensure that the Digital Signage Solution we recommend will support your vision today and tomorrow.
Please Reach out to us by phone or email to discuss your needs. Together, we’ll find the perfect fit!
Best wishes..
The Kickstart Team
Digital signage allows you to create and manage professional advertising contact from your smartphone, tablet, or PC. With Cybercast software itメs easy to display video, images and test that allows you to communicate effectively with customers.
Brings Smart TV functions to your ordinary TV. Built-in Wi-Fi and Android operating system. Includes the super easy-to-use digital signage software, Cybercast. DIGITAL SIGNAGE MADE EASY. Manage your screens. Fast. Simple. At any time. From any place. You can turn your current screens into a Digital Signage Display. For more information visit